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Expert training
in the palm
of your hand


1. Sign up

Choose between our monthly or annual membership plan.

24.99 USD

Billed monthly, cancel any time

269 USD

Save 10% annually

2. Download the app

Once you sign up, you'll receive an email with a code and instructions. You'll login with your email code once you download the app.


3. Pick your program

Once inside the app, choose which program you would like to start, add it to your calendar and start training!




Imagine what you could accomplish in ONE year with continuous, systematic, proven programming that keeps up with your every move. Why stop there?. Unlock your true potential with an app that's built for the long haul.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
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Workout Summaries

View a comprehensive recap of your workout with straightforward visuals



As a member of the Inner Beast team, you'll enjoy all the following benefits (and probably a better butt too)


Unlimited access to all training programs

Access to our ever-expanding program library. Whatever your goal is, there's a program for you.

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Access to ultra badass merchandise

Shop our online store for apparel, accessories, and other Shay-approved products

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Exercise library with tutorial videos

Browse the extensive exercise library, complete with tutorial videos by Shay

Image by Rubén Rodriguez

Grow your knowledge with Shay's classroom

Coming soon

Keep expanding your knowledge and understanding of powerlifting with exclusive educational content

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The best powerlifting app on the market

Look at strength graphs like 1rm and volume over time based on performance


Access to our private community

Chat and learn from others in the community to keep your experience lively and informative

Hi, I'm Shay!

I'm a mom, powerlifter, and personal trainer. Powerlifting has given me incredible personal strength and mental fortitude, and has left me ever amazed with what is possible. My personal transformation inspired me to spend my life helping others achieve their own greatness.

I'm a certified personal trainer with clinical experience in chiropractic and 10+ years coaching powerlifting. With my expertise I  create programs that are proven, progressive, and safe. I've trained very beginner lifters all the way up to USAPL nationals.


I believe everyone should have access to the amazing sport of powerlifting. My goal in creating this app is to provide effective programming to amazing humans---like you!

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