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I have never liked working out very much. It has never felt natural to me, I worry that I’m doing it wrong and I’m going to hurt myself… and this reluctance has never been helped by the uncomfortable, bro-y, competitive culture that you find at other gyms. Training at Inner Beast is different … With Shay, I feel like I’m working with an expert in how my body works, to make it perform better. At other gyms I’ve felt like I’m disappointing some 22-year old who’s never actually struggled to stay in shape, and can’t understand why my body doesn’t do everything theirs does anymore.

I’ve been working on correcting pain from years of bad posture and bad lifting habits with Shay, and the progress I’ve made over 6 months has been so much more specific, long-lasting, and real than with any other training program. My pain is diminishing AND I’m getting stronger. Shay is supportive, knowledgeable, and conscientious. I highly recommend training here.

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